Prof. Dr. Aym Abdullah
Professor A.Y.M. Abdullah has more than 29 years of academic experience as a faculty member of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at Dhaka University. Besides being a prolific academic, he is also a renowned entrepreneur who has established a successful business portfolio encompassing a diverse range of industries, including real estate, fisheries, hotels and resorts, import and export, educational institutions, hospitals etc. He is the current Vice-Chancellor of Northern University of Business and Technology Khulna.
Prof. Abdullah is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of Northern University Bangladesh Trust and holds the position of Chairperson at Northern International Medical College and Hospital, and Northern College Bangladesh. During his prolific career, he was a member of the Board of Governors of IBA, Dhaka University and served as the Chairman of the Management Development Programme, IBA. During his tenure as the Vice Chairman of the Tourism Development Association of Bangladesh, he contributed to developing the national tourism industry. Later on, he utilized his insights in promoting the industry through projects implemented in Cox’s Bazar and St. Martin’s Island.

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Prof. Abdullah obtained his International MBA from Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland, currently known as Aalto University, and obtained his Post Doctoral degree from University Malaysia-Perlis. Nine of his books have been published. He also has over 19 research papers which were published in locally and internationally recognized research journals.
Dr. Abdullah is the Founder Chairman of Praasad Group of Companies which is a leading corporate group of the country. As a firm believer in actively working for humanity, Dr. Abdullah has founded and spearheaded various non-profit organizations.Prof. Dr. A.Y.M. Abdullah has facilitated international cooperation in education through forming collaboration arrangements with educational institutions including Visva-Bharati University, University of Calcutta, Rabindra Bharati University, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Nantong College of Science and Technology, China.
- Save the Life, NUB
- Life and Hope Foundation
- Life and Hope Free Healthcare Centre Satkhira
- Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF), Philippine, 21-23 November 2017
- Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF), Dhaka, 22-24 November, 2019
- MTC Global Award, Bangalore, India, 07 September, 2019
- Aalto University, Finland, October 30, 2019
- International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia, 05 Dec, 2019
Prof. Abdullah has participated in a significant number of workshops, training sessions, and conferences offering both local and global perspectives. He has attended workshops sponsored by AMDISA, ITC/UNDP-Dhaka, the Qatar Foundation’s WISE workshop held at Doha, and the Asian University residents’ Forum at Manila, World marketing Summit, Thailand, Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF), Dhaka, MTC Global Award, Bangalore, India, Aalto University, Finland, IIUM, Malaysia. Attended as Signatory of MoU’s on Bilateral Higher Education Development Program in between India and Bangladesh, in presence
of the Honorable Prime Ministers of Bangladesh and India (April, 2017 in Delhi.)
Numerous articles/research works on RMG Industry in Bangladesh, SAARC, Productivity,
Effectiveness of Marketing Communications etc. were published in different recognized
university research journals such as AIUB Journal of Business & Economics (AJBE),
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Journal of Business Administration,
UNCTAD / WTO, IBA, Dhaka University Journal of Marketing etc. Published articles
include the following:
- Growth History of Textile & RMG Industries: MFA Impact Analysis in the
Perspective of Bangladesh, January 2008, the AIUB Journal of Business &
Economics. - Level of Labor Productivity in lntra RMG Factories, Dec 2005, Dhaka University
Journal of BUSINESS STUDIES, Vol. XXVI, No. 2. - Productivity Development is a very crucial way out to meet the Post Multi Fiber
Agreement Challenges for Bangladesh, July & Oct 2005, Journal of Business
Administration, IBA, Vol. 31, No. 3 & 4. - Labor Productivity and Wastage: The two sides of a coin-Bangladeshi RMG
Perspective, Aug 2005, The AIUB Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE),
Vol. 4, No. 2 - Productivity Variables of the RMG workers of Bangladesh, 2005, BIMR Journal
of Marketing & Research. - Overcoming the constraints faced by the RMG sector, Dec 2004, (Published in
2006,) A journal of Business Administration Discipline, Khulna University, Vol
4, No. 1 & 2. - Post Multi Fiber Agreement Era & Bangladesh RMG Sector, July & October
2004, Journal of Business Administration, IBA, Vol. 30, No. 3 & 4. - Effectiveness of Outdoor Advertisement in Dhaka City, June 2004 (Published in
Dec ‘05), D U. Journal of marketing, Vol. No. 7. - An Empirical Study on Capital Structure of the Companies Listed on the Dhaka
Stock Exchange, January and April 2004, Journal of Business Administration,
IBA, Vol. 30, No. 1 & 2. - Chrismatex International: 1998, International Trade Centre, UNCTAD / WTO
(sponsored & published by ITC/UNDP, Geneva). - International Trade Implications and Future of Ready-Made Garments Sector
of Bangladesh, July & October 1997, Journal of Business Administration, IBA,
Vol. 23, No. 3 & 4.
Page | 4 - Food and Drug Adulteration Practice in Bangladesh: Nature, Extent
and Associated Diseconomies, January & April 1997, Journal of Business
Administration, IBA, Vol. 23, No. 1 & 2. - Measures to be taken to make the RMG Sector more competitive to meet the
post MFA challenges, December 2004, Dhaka University Journal of BUSINESS
STUDIES, Vol. )0(V, No. 2. - India’s Interest and Influence in Marketing the Trade Liberalization Process
between the SAARC countries, Aug 2008, the AIUB Journal of Business &
Economics. - Labour Force is the only Dominant Factor of Production in the Ready Made
Garments (RMG) Industry in Bangladesh, Jan-June 2008, Journal of Business
and Technology (Dhaka), Faculty of Business, Northern University Bangladesh. - The Impact of Food Safety Perceptions on National Competitiveness in the
Digital Age, Janu 2017, Journal of Northern University of Business & Technology
Prof. Abdullah has worked in consultative capacities for projects funded by USAID, The World Bank, The Asian Development Bank, and also under private sponsorship.
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Research Center
- Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Research Center
- President : Jhenidah Ex-Cadets Association (JEXCA) – Dhaka,
- President : Bangladesh Khulna Divisional Society
- Member : Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
- Life Member : Bangla Academy
- EC Member : Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB)
- Member : Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB)
- Member : MBA Alumni Club, Aalto University – Helsinki, Finland
- Member : MBA Alumni Association – Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Member : Dhaka University Alumni Association
- Member : Alumni Appl Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, DU
- Life Member : IBA Alumni Association Club Limited
- BG Member : Board of Governors, IBA, Dhaka University (2012-13)
- Life Member : Cadet College Club – Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Founder President : Bangladesh Association of Finland, 1991-92
- Ex Vice Chairman : Tourism Development Association of Bangladesh (TDAB)
- Chairperson : Management Development Program (MDP), IBA, DU (2012-13)
- Techno India University and Northern University Bangladesh (NUB)
- Kotler Impact Inc., Resint Inc. Canada and NUB
- International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and NUB
- University Putra Malaysia (UPM) and NUB
- Pearson Education-UK and NUB
- University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and NUB
- Nantong College of Science and Technology (NCST) and Northern University Bangladesh
- National Heart Institute Malaysia (IJN) and Northern International Medical College & Hospital
- Visva-Bharati University and Northern University of Business & Technology Khulna
- Rabindra Bharati University and Northern University of Business & Technology Khulna estercu
- Editor, satkhiranews24.com
- Member, Advisory Board, BBN News.net
- Member, Advisory Board, Alokito Campus
- Member, Advisory Board, The Shikkhadhara
- President, Board of Editors, campuslive24.com
- Editor and Publisher, Bangladeshonline24.com
- Chairperson, Editorial Board, The People’s Time
- Chairperson, Editorial Board, The Daily VorerPata
- President, Board of Editors, The Monthly Campus Live
- Chairperson, Editorial Board, BishwabidalayPorikrama
Numerous writings in the light of own knowledge, research findings, and experiences
have been published in different newspapers and magazine at different times, including
the following:
- RMG sector of Bangladesh after 2005
- Communicating to the International Arena: Matching Advertising Strategy to
Product Strategy. - Persuasive force of Marketing and Impact on the Human World
- Exploiting the Human Desire
- Marketers Move While Earth Burns
- Investment Opportunities for Finnish Venture Capitalists in Bangladesh.
- Importance of test marketing in the least Developed Countries.
- Problems and prospects of Sea Shipping in Bangladesh.
- The Role of Private Universities in the Higher Education sector
- Democratization of Higher Education in Bangladesh
- Setting Priorities in managing Private university education in Bangladesh
- The need to increase grants from the Government for Higher Education in
Bangladesh. - Utilizing the Resources of Private Universities: Digitalization is of prime
importance. - Studying Overseas: A Major Loss of Resources.
Post Doctorate, 2015
Post Doctoral Fellow
Universiti Malaysia-Perlis (Thesis: Myanmar- Bridging ASEAN and SAARC), Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia.
Ph.D, 2006
Doctor of Philosophy
IBA, University of Dhaka
International MBA, 1992
Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (presently known as Aalto University), Finland
MBA, 1989
Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

2023 Prof. Dr. Abu Yousuf Md Abdullah recognised as ‘Kotler Distinguished Professor of Marketing’

2019 Country Representative of Kotler Impact By Professor Philip Kotler
For: Education Sector of Bangladesh
By: Kotler Impact Inc.

2019 MTC Global Award for Excellence
For: Outstanding Academic Excellence in Higher

1993: Best performer in the AMDISA program
By: The President of Bangladesh
For: Entrepreneurship Training & Workshop
Vice-Chancellor : Northern University of Business & Technology Khulna
Appointed by the Hon’ble Chancellor, His Highness the
President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Professor : IBA, University of Dhaka
Chairperson, Governing Body
- Northern University Bangladesh Trust
- Northern College Bangladesh
- Northern International Nursing College
- Northern International Medical College & Hospital
- Bangladesh Institute of International Higher Studies
Founder and Entrepreneur
- Praasad Nirman Ltd.
- Praasad Paradise Ltd.
- Synergy Development Ltd.Hospital
- Saikat Sundarban Hotel Ltd.
- Sundarban Scientific Shrimp Culture Ltd.
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